Add your writings to Google Drive and share your link below.
Make sure your link is set to "Shared with anyone with a link" "Editor".
Name your file: “First Last Name-Writings Title"
Upload artwork image to Google Drive and share your link below.
Make sure your link is set to "Shared with anyone with a link" "Editor".
Resolution: 72dpi
Longest Dimension Maximum: 2000px
File Formats: Jpg, Jpeg, PNG
Color Mode: RGB
Name your file: “FirstLastName-ArtworkTitle.jpeg”
Include a brief artist statement about your work.
Video link from YouTube, Vimeo or Google Drive
Make sure your link is set to "Shared with anyone with a link" "Editor".
Resolution: Set Resolution to the same as the project, usually "1080p"
File Formats: MOV or MP4
Name your file: “FirstLastName-Title.MP4”
You may share links from Spotify or Google Drive.
Upload Audio File to Google Drive and share your link below.
Make sure your link is set to "Shared with anyone with a link" "Editor".
File Formats: MP4, MP3, WAV
Name your file: “FirstLastName-Title.MP4”