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Emily Matthews

Lillies and Raven

Freight train

By: Lillian McArdle

I can still see it

out of the corner of my eyes

intertwined fingers, interlinked

as if even the universe was watching

cheering you on as it parades you around

everyone you meet seems to adore you

peering through the cracks to watch 

every time you gaze into his eyes 

every time you laugh or sing or fall

we all rush to your side the second your legs give out and you hit the ground

everyone sees you hurt

you scream it to all who will hear 

because it is so easy for you to get pity from them.

I was so desperate to prove that I matter to you 

every now and then I grasp at wisps of the dust you leave behind

it’s not much but I hold it high to show everyone that at some point you saw me for who I was.

I trip over sharp stones trying to catch up with your ever changing mind.

I keep following even when my feet are covered with bruises and scratches 

but all you ever did was hover over me with pain medicine in your palm,

Only to be swept away by the voice of my replacement

Complaining about a tiny scrape

I watched you ignore my open arms 

One of way too many chances to restore what was long gone.

“i’m here for you no matter what.”:

a sweet lie I willingly fall for.

I finally notice the constant empty promises and your low tolerance of my emotions 

As you roll your eyes and walk away,

Kicking me out of my own home to make room for him.

I don’t know how i didn’t realize it before;

you only needed me when you had nobody else.

I felt so stupid for crying over you

although you’ve witnessed it so many times

though I have screamed it into your ears

But my voice dies out before it reaches you.

Your touch used to drown out all the sounds

But now my insides scream with rage every time you walk right past.

every punch hits me like a freight train 

my feet were stuck on the tracks

Unknowingly I clung to them just for a chance to see you.

three times did I get tossed back into the rocks

but only two will I return to your unforgiving path.

it took three years

but it now becomes clear to me that I will never heal until I truly let you go.

for so long I blocked out the possibility I was being taken advantage of 

if anyone it couldn’t possibly be you

you bittersweet work of art

whose voice moves us all to tears

whose inescapable shadow envelopes us in our own insecurities and insignificance compared to your blinding light.

until your brittle foundation of ignorance starts to crack

when your unsteadiness scares you, and you desperately pull me out of the remains and rubble of what used to be our home 

holding on to my broken arms for balance.

so, with this, I free myself from your suffocating grip

and with this, I free you from mine.


By: Ella Green

I sit in awe within a holy chamber of stained glass, candles, and chandeliers

And the grandest piano player with hands that dance across the keys like butterflies hopping

among the zinnias in spring.

And she-like an angel in the heavenly chamber-gives herself to the music.

She closes her eyes as if in prayer and her hands slowly descend to the sacred instrument.

She touches the instrument of glory,

And the magic begins.

She tells a story

And the angels sing.

Her body overflows with power and passion as her fingers caress and press the keys,

Delicate, gentle, intense, incredible.

Like water from the heavens,

Each note drops and descends upon my heart,

Drinking it in.

The high notes fly from the piano.

Could it be that an angel has just broken through the stained glass and enter the harmonious

chamber, singing?

A million tiny angels dance and sing

Across the keys.

Has my soul ever been stricken with such moving, miraculous music as this?

She raises her gaze to the ceiling

As she plays.

No doubt in my mind the roof has been lifted from the chamber

And heaven now shines down.

Waters of serenity soak into my soul and I can’t help but cry.


By: Sylvia Harper


By: Noel Warren

She tends the hearth 

daily, nightly. 

Protects those who 

have lost their way. 

She befriends and 

holds each one close. 

Heals hurts and hearts, 

asks for nothing. 

She lets them go 

when they feel the 

need to wander, 

wishes them well. 

She doesn’t know 

if they’ll ever 

return, and it 

breaks her every time.

Your Path

By: Noel Warren

We met at a crossroads

And headed toward the place where the sun rose

There we chased fate

Ignoring the world and kept our friendship close and ligate

Our stars align for a while

We journey onward and for mile after mile

It seemed the road would never end.

But today

Today you walk your own way

No, there is nothing you’ve done wrong

I just forget all along

You have your path

And I am not on my road but your swath

I am just a guest

To you and your path, my friend, I wish the best.

Silent Whistle

By: Cooper Dutton

Every night I search for something in the vast growing darkness.

Something that’s always watching yet something that cannot see.

Rain pours over the too bent bill of a borrowed black cap.

Black plants play a pretty tune of rainwater jazz.

I long for a new sung song.

In the distance I see a place where the rain goes unnoticed.

Even in the night it is illuminated by streaks of heavenly heat lightning cracking the clouds.

Maybe that's where it is.

The big black dog that sees the intricacies of my ever searching soul.

I pucker my lips to kiss the rain and move my tongue to hover in my throat.

Then with my final breath my silent whistle goes unheard.

Only calling the ever growing suspicion of subservient isolation.


By: Joanna Ward


By: Celeste Peace

Eyes milky and white from age,

Your feet worn down from experience.

Unable to stand, I carry you to your bed.

You painfully groan as I lay you down,

You thirst yet are unable to reach the water.

The once black fur trim around your mouth stains white.

In all your time, you’ve felt love and rejection, 

Fear and dejection. 

Your misery grew with you,

So ending your suffering,

Meant ending you too.

No more crying did come from you, 

But the tears of a child deep within your matured owner.

From day one by each other's side, 

Yet then separated by death.

I’ll see you in heaven, my good old friend. 

When the crying stopped, 

so did the pain. 

And the tears from that child,

Were mine to blame.

One bit of chocolate you finally got to taste

As the medicine slowed and slowed your heart's pace. 

This sadness we say,

It comes in threes. 

But never does it get any easy.

Easier to acknowledge that life does end,

Easier to show homage to an old friend. 

To smile just a little in their darkest time,

But when they look in your eyes,

Oh, those milky white skies,

Those “you’re okay”’s and “fine”’s turn to lies.

Lyrics to Kidney Stone Shuffle

By: Madison Fox & Andrew Billingsly


Congratulations, you passed your stones,

You did it so well, girl, our minds are blown, (bloooown)

You have a very healthy corazón, (corazón!)

Good for you girl, you passed your stones! 


Those teeny stones had you cra- (cra) -zy

Butcha birthed them out like a ba- (ba) -by

Now they’ve all left ya like your ex (ex) wife (she took the kids!)

So tell ‘em don’t come back ‘cause you got a knife!


K-I-D, N-E-Y!

It is now, time to die!

Don’t be sad, life’s not fair,



Congratulations, you passed your stones, 

Made em dial the police on their telephone

Left em lookin wrinkly like a saggy old crone

Bye bye, rat, SHE BIRTHED HER STONES!!!!



Severe sharp pain in the side and back

Like a painfully bad abdominal heart attack

K-stones KO’d like a duel in the ring

UTI - 0, bladder - 1, ding ding ding

We’re so proud, yeah you ate,

‘Cause your stones met their fate

Roasted toasted ghosted like a bad tinder date

It’s all over now, girl, you’re too late,

So bye bye bye, now, haters gonna hate!

Watch from your throne as stones drone to their kidney parents

Calm down, now, you don’t wanna be no kidney Karen

Economic status of kidney industry is toppled

Lookin’ like slop, on top, oh, your stones are cobbled

You taught em all a lesson - (Taught ‘em all a lesson!)

All of em were wettin’ - (WET PANTALONES) 

They won’t soon be forgetting your NUMBER ONE VICTORY ROYALE!

Barely a pebble, why were you a rebel, you devil

You meddle in ethics of the indelible, it’s incredible

Audacity! Complacity! Logical fallacy!

You’re speaking in blasphemy, rat, say it again, 

You’re forgettable, irrelevant, inedible mess

Re-Revel in impeccable skill of the best

You were passed by my bestie like an AP test

So it’s settled, that it’s you that we all detest



Louseables wrote a diss on you

Ain’t nobody gonna miss on you

Yes, die die die die die die die die



Congratulations you passed your stones

Your opponents were epically pwned (Epically pwned!)

Rockgina George is overthrown (OVERTHROWN)

Good for you, girl, you passed your stones!

I Loves You Sister

By: Tristan Young

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