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Ella Green

Writing Desk

The Land

Madeline Jarrett

The place I stand

In which I land

Is full of dirt, rock, and sand

Though it bears the carpet brand

Because without it the floor would be bland

But does it still adhere to the Earth's command?

Though what I do not understand 

Is how it has withstand

The chaos of our world firsthand

With what we take in high demand

We begin to misunderstand

How we can reprimand 

And expand 

Our houses with great plan

More and more seemed to be crammed

It seems our world is just being slammed

With our unrelentless constructive hand

The world has become so rammed 

Almost like a humans wasteland

She was better off being unmanned.

So this is our call to stop and land

And think of that dirt, rock, and sand

Under the carpet brand

Give Earth chance in the stand

Instead of her trees being banned

Why don't we let the flowers become spanned

Let her hold her hand

So she can love man 

Always like she had planned.

The Art of Loving

Ella Green

My life’s work is loving God and loving others.

And I cherish the glimpses of heaven on earth.

Have you felt it?

The smiles on people’s faces

The laughter, the singing are heaven’s joy shining through our hearts. 

Have you seen it?

There is heavenly beauty on earth.

In the world the bachelor buttons and butterflies of the garden

Seek sweetness all their days,

And they find it under the gold of the sun.

There is the intricately woven lattice of the apple pie and the ripe strawberries in a bowl—beautiful!

There is the dragonfly who flicks her paper wings above the pond and dips down to sip and sing.

There is the lavender hanging in the window, forever holding its magical, soothing scent.

My boots are old and worn. The leather is no longer the same color. The pockets in my coat are torn from holding so many of nature’s treasures. 

Let me refocus my mind on what is truly important: my work of loving,

Which is the process of becoming, that I may give everything of myself and my life to Him and to others.

God is beautiful.

People are beautiful. 

This world is beautiful.

Daily I am astounded at all that I see,

The black-eyed susan’s dancing under a pink sky,

The open fields with scattered  hay bales,

The scarlet tanager who flies down to the garden and rests in the birdbath.

My work is giving of myself, my work is gratitude, my work is to love.

My work is to speak words that bring encouragement.

My work is to do things that are kind.

My work is to think little of myself and more of God and others.

I have died.

And now I am alive,

Living for the work of loving.


Lillian Mcardle

i tried to clean my room today.

but my head felt too heavy 

and my jaws were clenched.

the room is too big.

and i’m too tired. 

candy wrappers gather in the bed

and on the floor where i toss them

those are easy to pick up.

but the clothes

they provide an extra layer of carpet

it’s too heavy.

my fairy lights are barely functional.

every few weeks the scotch tape gives up

and lets go of the wall.

very slowly, the collage of photos and paintings 

collected over the years begins to break apart, one by one.

the room is deteriorating with me in it

i turn on my salt lamp for the first time since summer.

i have a panic attack.

the light looks too familiar.

i hide under my bedsheets

as if trying to escape it

only to wake up in the morning

and scroll through tiktok until one pm

when i finally walk out of my room.

i cannot survive without this mess

even though it kills me. 

i give in to the piles of clothes and food

as if holding on to it for dear life.

i walk into my prison at ten pm

ready to embrace my bed

even though it longs to suffocate me

the room is too big.

and i’m too tired.

Warm in the Winter

Tessa Knutson

There’s a difference between warm and warm in the winter

Warm in the winter is huddling around a fire

Red noses all blowing over cups of hot cocoa

Every day slaving away

Knees frozen

Fingers 3 degrees from broken

Snapping off like icicles

The moon shows its face

And christmas vinyl records start to play

Scratching the inside of your brain 

as you hide underneath a heated blanket

Smell of spice cookies and pine needles fill the house

A movie in black and white plays in the living room,

Fire cracks and lights twinkle bright from the edges of a roof

When it’s time to go to bed you sneak 3 more cookies to eat and run up the stairs to cover yourself in 5 extra blankets as the wind blows its eerie lullaby whispering in your ear as you drift into sleep 

Comforted yet terrified of the presence of darkness lurking outside of your eyes shut tight

Hidden beneath heavy covers

Eulogy to the dying wasps of my home

Tessa Knutson

A purple soft, wrinkled plum

Balanced cautiously at the edge of the kitchen sink

Filled with dirty dishes

That have laid there for too long

On the very top,


A wasp 

Observes the world from it’s high and mighty pedestal

It lives on the edge


A daredevil, you may say

As I wash the dishes

The wasp stares, unmoving

Braving the possibility of a water droplet

I admire the beauty of the folds of each wing

But fear the possibility of it lifting off

Ready to launch itself with all its power

Directly at my face


A wasp drags its feeble body 

Trying to will its wings to fly through the solid window

Always failing

Never giving up

Always crawling up and down the window pane

Yearning for freedom

It should not have come here in the first place

Curiosity killed the wasp

I think that’s how the saying goes

It is a pathetic creature

But there is determination and child-like playfulness

That will soon be another corpse plastered on my wooden floor 

In the deep trenches under my bed

It flies too close to my face

I am afraid

I smack it

It dies. 

The last buzz of a pitiful wasp

What have I done?

Writing Desk

Ella Green


Ella Green

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